Rebuild Your Vitality & Rebuild Your Resources

Nutritional Assessment
Our services are now being offered virtually. We are providing a Comprehensive Assessment – a package that includes a health history questionnaire, an 8-day food journal, and a report of findings and recommendations, that gives us insight into your health and diet. We also offer hair analysis testing, saliva testing, and fecal testing, which may be recommended based on initial consultation. A total of 2 phone conferences are included in the assessment price.

Phone Appointments
Our Full Comprehensive Consultation includes a total of 2 phone conferences in the assessment price, as previously explained. This $29 rate is for additional conferences after a client completes the consultation process.

Hair Analysis Test
The hair analysis test kit is mailed directly to your home and is easy to use. Once the results are mailed in and the report of findings is completed, a virtual conversation at the $29 rate is scheduled to review the results. This test has proven to be valuable in determining toxicity and mineral stores. Minerals are so essential, that low levels can contribute to many health challenges.

Comprehension Consultation
The consultation includes a health history questionnaire, an 8-day food journal, and a report of findings and recommendations. A total of 2 phone conferences are included in the assessment prices. We work with each of our clients to identify the foods, allergens, and toxins that are harming their health and make recommendations for new menus that are simple, affordable, and easy to prepare.
Steve & Sherry Fry
While no longer located on the campus, the Fry’s are still associated with Rody Massage and Health. Consultations are now virtual and easy to schedule. Contact them via phone (call or text) at 360-477-1930 or email at They offer quality nutritional support and help as each client may need.
Steve and Sherry Fry are trusted and experienced nutritionists, practicing Common Sense Nutritional Therapy. They offer time-tested methods and nutritional approaches that will add another dimension to gaining and maintaining good health. Their focus is on building a strong foundation for health by testing for and addressing weaknesses in modern diets.